Lost Morality
Lost Morality inquires about human behaviours when confronted with tragedy, specifically, climate change. Conveying a higher spectrum of emotions, dramatizing the unconscious behavioural systems that occur within the self. Attempting to tackle emotions - denial, fear and confusion- that unfold with humans and tragedy in the hope they are recognized and overcome.
Other elements are implemented such as a rabbit, representing a metaphor for innocence and Mother Nature. Here I use irony as a means to communicate a lighter confrontation with the viewer, using again extreme emotions but on a satirized level. Conveyed as an exaggeration of the alienation of the self through the contemporary ways of life and current struggles.
Not only does this drawing articulate an ecological frame of mind in their concepts but also in their materials, as the charcoal is hand-made, to be as involved as possible and disrupt the industrial alienation we tend to have thought materials and their natural characteristics.